
MONAI is an open-source project. As such, its success relies on its community of contributors willing to keep improving it. Your contribution will be a valued addition to the code base; we ask that you read this page and understand our contribution process. Whether you are a seasoned open-source contributor or a first-time contributor, your contributions are greatly valued.

We are happy to discuss your needs for MONAI and your ideas for contributing to the project. Below are ways to contribute to MONAI or options to engaging with the MONAI Team and community.

Contributing Guidelines

MONAI is based on the PyTorch and Numpy libraries. These libraries implement what we consider to be best practices for general scientific computing and deep learning functionality. MONAI builds on these with a strong focus on medical applications.

As such, it is a good idea to consider whether your functionality is medical-application specific or not. General deep learning functionality may be better off in PyTorch; you can find the PyTorch contribution guidelines here. If you think it belongs in MONAI, you can find our contribution guidelines here.

GitHub Issues

If you are running into errors or invalid behaviors while using MONAI, create a GitHub Issue! Although please make sure to check out the existing issues to see if someone has already reported behavior.

Good examples of things to report include:

  • AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'keys'
  • RuntimeError: Module 'AHNet' has no attribute 'psp'

Also, take a look at some of our existing tags like "Contribution Wanted" and "Feedback Welcome" if you're looking to engage on a current topic.

If you're a beginner, take a look at the issues tagged "Good First Issue" for some easy ways to get started contributing to the project.

Github Discussion

If your are looking to get involved with the community with one of the following:

  • Have a question regarding MONAI
  • Looking to implement a new feature but unsure where to start

Head over to the MONAI GitHub Discussion page. It might be that a very similar feature is under development or already exists, or another community member has already asked the question. If not, here is the best place to get that conversation started.

If you're already using MONAI, a great way to get involved in the community is to head over the Discussions Tab and answer community questions.

We're taking advantage of this feature within GitHub to keep communication on a single platform. We previously used Google Groups, PyTorch Forums, and Stackoverflow, but we encourage you to migrate over to using GitHub Discussions.


Join our Slack, and you can interact with the core development team and community members. Slack is meant for helping developers get started in our community and not intended as a how-to or Q/A discussion location. For an invite to our Slack channel, please fill out our Google Form, and we'll send you an invite.

Social Media

We're active on Twitter at @ProjectMONAI and Medium @monai. You'll find our latest blog post and updates about the newest features in MONAI on both of those platforms. We also have a YouTube channel with videos from our first MONAI Bootcamp that is great if you're just getting started and want to learn more about MONAI.